Phrasal Verbs About Food

 1. To pick at = to eat a little bit of food because you’ve lost appetite or you’re not interested in the food. (Tidak nafsu makan, tidak mau makan, makan sangat sedikit)

• They pick at the food, because it’s taste is really bad / Mereka tidak makan, karena rasanya sangat tidak enak

• Don’t pick at the food, I’ve cooked well for you / Jangan gak dimakan, saya sudah memasaknya dengan baik untuk kamu

2. To gobble down = to eat something very quickly.

Don’t gobble down your food, you’ll get a pain in your stomach.

3. To wolf down = to eat something at great speed.

I was going to miss the bus, I wolfed down the food and ran up the door.

4. To fill someone up = to get the feeling that you’re as full as you can be

A nice bowl of hot soup will fill you up on a cold winter’s day.
(Semangkuk sup panas yang enak akan membuat Anda kenyang di hari musim dingin.)

5. To cut out = to stop eating something; to eliminate something completely

Cut out sweets and fatty processed snacks like crisps. Have a portion of sweet fruits instead.
(Kurangi camilan manis dan olahan berlemak seperti keripik. Makanlah seporsi buah-buahan manis sebagai gantinya.)

6. To cut back on something = to reduce the amount of that food that you’re eating or drinking (untuk mengurangi jumlah makanan yang Anda makan atau minum)

Konsumsi lebih sedikit.

My mom told me to cut back on sweets and sugary foods.

7. To dig in = to start eating

Okay, come on in. Just dig in and help yourself.
(Ok masuklah. Makanlah dan ambil sendiri ya)

8. To pig out = to overindulge; to eat too much of something over a short period of time (makan banyak)

“You have to take me to the new restaurant across that street. I’m gonna pig out tonight!” (Kamu harus ngajak aku ke restaurant baru di seberang jalan. Aku mau makan banyak nih!)

9. To knock back = to drink something very quickly

Wow, you’ve knocked back that one down quickly! You must have been really thirsty.
(Wow, Anda berhasil menjatuhkannya dengan cepat! Anda pasti sangat haus)

10. To water down = to dilute a liquid; to make something weaker (mengencerkan atau mencairkan)

Please water down the orange juice a bit,  it’s a little too strong for the kids.
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